Anja Riese
For inquiries, general questions, if you’re interested, or just to get to know each other over a cup of coffee to find out how I can support you with your project… feel free to get in touch: +49 (0) 177 56 46 856
Short bio
Anja is a full time freelance graphic recorder, illustrator & ux/ui designer since 2013. When not helping her clients to visualize their ideas and messages she paints and draws mainly abstract paintings/drawings. She enjoys networking and loves her job. Before going freelance she worked for about 10 years as an art director for digital design agencies in the UK, in China and in Germany. She studied digital media at the university of the arts in Bremen and at UNITEC in Auckland, New Zealand.
Job titles since 99:
Graphic Designer, Junior 3D Artist (Modeller), Screendesigner, Flashdesigner, Webdesigner, Designer, Visual Designer, Digital Designer, Art Director Online, Illustrator, Sketchnote Workshop Trainer, UX/UI Designer, Graphic Recorder, Visual Facilitator, Visualizer, Visual Wizard
Favorit topics to work on:
Education (ESD), Digital Transformation, New Work, Climate Change, Human Rights
XING, OTTO, WDR, bonprix, Giz, UNESCO, Health AG, UNESCO Projektschulen, Stifterverband, Türkischer Bund Brandenburg-Berlin TBB, UNESCO Kommission Deutschland, Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, Fraunhofer Institut, Sparkasse Darmstadt, BMBF, Europäische Bewegung Deutschland, BMFSFJ, Bain & Company, Deutscher Bundesjugendring, GesBiT, Hoerbiger, Landesstelle für Gleichbehandlung, NOW GmbH, BMVI, Theaterinstitut iti, SIEMENS, Olympus, KaDeWe, Deutsche Telekom, Loewe, Konzerthaus Berlin, Kew Gardens, Sistema Scotland, Scottish Executive, NHS, Bank of Scotland, KI-Camp, SWO-Netz
I-d media,, parasol island, leith agency, deepblue networks